As a BPA pyrotechnician you can login to our website and access our training material. If you do not have a login please contact us.

To login, enter your email address in the box below and then select the “>> CLICK TO LOG IN” yellow button. You will then receive an email with a link that will log you in.

Select the link in the email and you will be automatically logged in. Once logged in additional content will be visible to allow you to access the Yellow Book Wiki.

Read on if you see this message: “Your token has probably expired. Please try again.”

With this message, you may have been sent two emails. Please try the link in the other email you have received or wait a minute and try again, you should then receive a new email with a new link and this should work. If you keep seeing this error, try again, be patient and wait until you have received all emails and try all the links working backwards through your email starting with the most recent, one of them should work.